Abeātis- All About The Color Green

Green and blue are the two most prevalent colors within nature. Blue skies, the sea, the oceans; all of these embody so much of our imagination about this world and beyond. When we think of the color green; we associate it with nature, green grass, trees and forests. It’s the best color to represent nature. With color green; people find it calming, soothing, exciting and of compassion; it is so relatable in every corner of the world. 

“Green, which is Nature’s colour, is restful, soothing, cheerful, and health-giving.” – Paul Brunton

The reactions to color as we claim it are mostly molded by cultural influences and individual experiences. Thus different connotations pertaining to color green prevail in different cultures and regions; each adds a bit of liveliness to it more than we perceive it to ourselves in every aspects of our lives.

From “green with envy” to “ l’heure vert”, from green plants in contrast to the colors in garden designing to brands featuring in their design as a symbol of their identity, for example starbucks. In some parts of the world it embodies bravery to wear color green, but in others it does signify negativity, such as cowardice or being cuckolded. In times of difficulty in making green pigment, rich people painted their room walls green to show off their wealth. One just cannot go much details of that. The more one learns about it, the more one finds it intriguing about the interesting facts.

From verbal expression to psychological effects; garden design to brand design; from its religious and mythological significance to its political associations; from its positive associations to its negative associations; we’ll find color green is marked long in history telling its stories and continues to inspire.

The use of color green in attire saw its popularity in the middle ages in Europe, when brides would wear green to symbolize fertility. It’s such a great way to express the sense of nature and hope. Even today, the color still carries a strong connotation of nature and serenity. By wearing green on ourselves, we embody nature and freshness, in a way to be more close to nature and the freedom associated with it. The evolution of fashion always saw the rise and fall of the popularity of specific colors over time and more surprisingly we’ll find fortune’s wheel often times switch back as colors do come back trendy as we call it retro.

Back in 2017, green is the trendy color of that year; different hue of green walking on the streets, signaling such a bold and fresh fashion statement. It comes back with a twist even bolder and edgier this year in 2019, that’s neon green. Even at New York fashion week, it was unstoppable; it can range from a super-bright green to a yellow-green or even more of a deep chartreuse; signaling confidence. With neon green on, every other color next to it looks less interesting. It is quite showy if wear inappropriate cuts, it’s very important to choose the right color to match your skin tone and the right design to highlight your figure.

The athleisure brand Abeātis has recently unveiled their neon green bra in its new Neon Collection, subdued color and unique design will definitely bring your style up to a notch. The neon lime green athleisure bra from Abeātis is undoubtedly an essential, simple and multifunctional to the core of the popular trend of minimalism. Wear it under a blouse to go out or simply wear it to gym; it is effortlessly for any occasion and at the same time fresh up your style. 

Colors are everlasting and fulfill our imaginations of the known and unknown and beyond, we’ll definitely go back and forth with the same colors for sure to get inspired, green has absolutely inspired us a lot along the way.

Published by SocialEras

Socialeras is the one stop shop for all your fashion cravings. We have a collection that will make you feel special everytime you look in the mirror and leave the people around you in awe.

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